The worlds biggest pit bull


                                                            He's a big boy!

This is possibly the biggest pit bull in the world. Hulk (yes like the incredible hulk)  I find this dog interesting because I have pit bulls and they look like Chihuahua's compared to Hulk! This big dog is trained to be aggressive and attack. And was bred by Marlon Grennan. Hulk is 174 lbs witch is a lot of weight for a pit-bull.

He is bigger than his handlers but has a good temperament around his owners or family. Hulk is probably a 2 million dollar dog but his pups are $500,000 for the whole litter! That is a lot of money right? Well its only £160,000 a piece!

Well that's all I could dig up (for now). so tell me...

Cool Or Not Cool?




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