


Hey guys. This article is about the gorilla who was shot for no good reason...Harambe.

On may 28 2016 a boy fell into the gorilla cage at the Cincinnati zoo. Harambe grabbed the boy and dragged him around. In fear of the young boys life a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe.

this accident was caught on camera and can be seen by you...But it is a sad story because Harambe had no intentions of hurting the boy because, The male silverback is only in charge of protecting his group....And I don't see how a 3 year old boy is a threat if there wasn't any other gorillas around. Or to a group of gorillas period.

Harambe was born on may 27 1999 at the  Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas, And was named by a sponsor who named him after a song by Bob Marley.(woo hooo)  And he was transferred to the Cincinnati zoo to learn how a adult male acts.

Many people thought that Harambe was NOT going to hurt the boy and I agree. The boy did not even look like a threat to a big huge gorilla like Harambe. So I want to know what you guys think about this tragedy. What makes it worst is that Harambe died the day after his 17th birthday. ☹😞😩

Cool Or Not Cool?




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